Obstetrics and Gynaecology
LATHA SUPER SPECIALITY HOSPITAL has a full time Gynaecologist and Obstetrician providing services round the clock and this department is lead by Dr. P. Susila, M.D.(OBG.). She has 15 years of good experience in handling and managing Gynaec and Obstetric emergencies. She is ably supported by resident Doctors, Qualified & Trained Nurses round the clock. The hospital has well equipped operation theatres and labour rooms having facilities for providing labour analgesia. She is also backed by trained Neonatologists and Intensivists who are providing emergency services in Neonatal & Adult Intensive care units.
We have good experience in managing obstetric kidney diseases like Ecclampsia, HELLP syndrome post partum acute kidney disease &other special situations like pregnancy in patients with seizure disorder, other neurologically diseased patients.

Our Multispeciality surgical Hospital provides opportunity for a wide range of Laparoscopic Gynecological procedures – both diagnostic and therapeutic.